Saturday, February 9, 2013

Today Courtney Sam and I went to explore the castle area.  It is beautiful!!!! Neither words or pictures do this justice.  Tomorrow we are taking a free guided tour from the city at 3 pm.

My roommates and I just booked a bus to Berlin and a hostel for the weekend of the 21st. I'm kind of excited for my first hostel experience... it looks nice on the website... Lets hope I feel the same way after.

Tonight we went to Lucerna, where they have an 80's music party.  While it was really fun it was also WAY too crowded.

Below are all my pictures from yesterday, using my iphone so maybe not the best but no picture can do this city justice.

*** Also, we missed the 3 pm tour so hopefully we will make it to that soon... (ended up not publishing this post last night)

Tonight there is a DJ Nicky Romero coming to a club mecca.  It should be really cool but being spoiled after working for Necto I am not too excited to wait in a 2000 person line for tickets (which you cant buy online) very different




view from the top 

courtney and sam trying the sausages 

John lennon wall 

                                The wall is surprisingly small, but still definitely worth seeing.
My name is a czech word!!! means just or only (depending on the translator you use!!!) 

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