Monday, February 11, 2013

lost in translation

Today was my first full day of classes, which I was not prepared for.  Classes here are 3 hours each which is hard, although we do get "smoking breaks" aka time to check our phones for us Americans.  Marissa and I had class at the same time, but in different buildings, which were in opposite directions.  We took the tram and had an hour extra so we figured it would be plenty of time.  After getting a cup of much needed coffee, I went to find my class.  The one disadvantage to all the buildings looking old and beautiful is that every area looked the same.  While I thought I knew where I was going, I was going somewhere else, and ended up back at the castle...ooops!

Thank god for my global data plan and iphone navigation as I finally made it to my classroom, just in time.

My first class was international journalism.  My teacher is super cool.  He has taught everywhere form NYU to Malta to Utah.  He also just published a book about rome.  The class seems super interesting and our first assignment is to write a news article about a current event in prague.  Also we have class off next Monday because he needs to get his visa renewed in Vienna... lets hope it works!!!

After I had an hour break so I went to bohemia bagel to get a sandwich but the chicken wasnt really cooked so i just ate the bread... back to my diet of toast.

From 6:30-9:30 I had marketing.  So many people of the students in my class were from Kazakhastan which i found very interesting.  The class was similar in many ways to marketing at umich, but also very different.  Additionally just one day made me realize how many more options we have in the US when consuming products.  I definitly felt very prepared for this class, which reviewed many topics I have already learned... maybe all those S.W.O.T. analysis's were good for something....Class ended at 9:30 and I took the tram home alone, which I was nervous to do but proud that I figured out on my own.  At this point I was starving so Marissa and I ventured out to go find somewhere other than the thai place to eat.  We saw a restaurant that looked open and decided to walk down the street and check it out.  It just happened to be GLOBE CAFE... one of the spots written up in EVERY GUIDE that we have.

IT WAS SO GOOD!!! OWNED BY AMERICANS!!!! finally something normal!!!! after a day of classes I am exhausted so going to bed early because it is my roommate SAM BROWNS b-day in 7 minutes PRAGUE TIME!!!

the boys across the hall and (from left) my wisco roomates rachel, lauren, emma, (me..which you should know or else your a weirdo for reading this blog), and marissa

my bus stop home from class... casual (ok tram stop same diff)

who needs to go to italy when we have pesto and PARMESAN CHEESE

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